Zip-a-dee-doo-dah! Zip-a-dee-ay!

June 17, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

It's like a furr-eaking Disney film here tonight.

I've just put our eldest to bed and thought I'd pad 'round the garden to see wha g'wan.

As I approached our big poplar tree (with plenty of dead branches in it) I noticed a couple of young great tits, three young blue tits, one young robin and THREE young nuthatches... all singing and dancing around my head like a Disney medley.

I watched them for a while and then thought I'll try and get a few short video clips - with my tiny little camera that I can't really see to use without my reading glasses (and God knows where they are).

So I went back inside, fetched my matchbox-sized video camera and tried my best.

The (half decent, bearing in mind I was shooting blind) results are below.


It was clear that the three (recently-fledged) nuthatches were taking bird cherries from our tree by the chicken run and jamming them into crevices in the big black poplar that shades the rear of our back garden - great fun to watch - as I did for a good twenty minutes.

And yes, as I've already written above, it occurred to me as these delightful wee blue and buff birds danced around my head that to onlookers it'd have looked like a Disney film, at the back of our garden. Like Brer rabbit or something!

I finished my videoing, the birds finished their tea, bounced off through the foliage and me? Well... I skipped back inside, clicking my heels together and whistling the tune below. Well.... until me arthritic hip started clicking and me plantar fasciitis kicked in...

Have a lovely evening grapple fans.

And remember...

Me oh My 
What a wonderful day.

Plenty of sunshine
Headin' my way

Hey, Mr. Bluebird 
On my shoulder
And if that's true
And actual
Everything is gonna be

Wonderful feelin'!
Wonderful day!


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