Bin a long time, bin a long time, bin a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lone-ly time.

June 17, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

A few days ago after finding a dead hedgehog on the road 100 yards from our house and seeing what both my wife and I think is the vixen carrying three baby hedgehogs back to her cubs (on my trail camera footage), I wrote here that I thought that may be it for our garden hedgehogs, again. (I've been here before).

But I also wrote I hoped I was being a little premature.

Well... perhaps I was (being a bit premature), as a whole nine nights after all hedgehog life disappeared from our garden - look who snuffled up to its old den last night!



(It entered the garden via the (what I call "Irish") tunnel at half past ten, went back to its old den at half past two in the morning (a weird time for that behaviour, historically) and left again via the "Irish tunnel" at three o'clock - curling itself into a ball as the vixen stood over the tunnel for a while at the time). 

(The blue highlighted text above highlights the brief hedgehog clip in the youtube video above - the two other "Irish tunnel" clips were shot by my Bushnell* camera, so of course are of terrible quality and I won't be uploading them here. 



* Please... if you are considering buying a Bushnell trail camera... DON'T. They are terrible bits of kit. (Genuinely). Buy a Browning instead.




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