Did you guess correctly?

June 02, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Two days ago I blogged a question to you dear reader(s?!).

I asked you to look at the clip below and tell me what I saw, what I therefore feared and finally what (of course) actually transpired to happen a couple of nights ago, in our garden.


Did you guess correctly then?

The answer is in the extended video clip below...

Stag nightStag night

Sure, we're very lucky to have not one but TWO large stag beetle colonies in our garden(s)…. although I do culture that particular luck by managi8ng those colonies pretty well (adding nice logs from friendly local tree surgeons, to our beetles' wood piles every year).

Anyway.... you may begin to appreciate then, that I have more than a few good reasons to not appreciate foxes being in our garden.

They're pretty destructive things all round, I say - and to that extent, it may be worth reading that blog post I wrote three years ago on the subject of our local foxes digging up our (front garden) stag beetle colony. You can read it again HERE.



Apologies to all "Disneyfied", British "wildlife-lovers" out there, but I'm really not a fan of foxes generally... and that doesn't look likely to change any time soon.




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