Debt well and truly PAID.

June 13, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

"The drought""The drought"

At the end of April I blogged HERE and speculated that generally, as the weather tends to "pay its debts" pretty reliably - and as such, bearing in mind we'd had such a dry April.... then we might perhaps expect a wet May.

May duly came and behaved itself - in fact May was very dry indeed.

But now... with June... comes the debt repayment.

In style.

I've just seen on the news that many places in England have had TWICE the expected rainfall for the whole of June in a couple of days - and a few places (like Pennerley in Shropshire, close(ish) to my inlaws), have had THREE TIMES the expected rainfall for the whole month in a couple of days.


I think the debt has been well and truly paid off now.

(I also think that this year may well go down as another avian annus horribilis, at least as far as my beloved swifts are concerned... perhaps as bad as 2012 or 2007 or 2008 - all pretty terrible years for the best birds of all.  I'll give the "swift season"  (May-July inclusive) another month and blog about what I find).

More soon.


Cloud burstCloud burst





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