"Operation noctua" end of week 9

April 22, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Because I've not been very well for a while, I've not had the energy to keep tabs on our local little owls this week, other than drive by twice in the last two days to see what they're up to.

Unfortunately I've not seen either owl once in those two brief visits.

But - that's not necessarily bad news. It's about now that the female should be in the box laying eggs and the male will be taking up different perches, knowing that his bird (for want of a better word) is busy with his genes.

A wonderful website to watch the live to-ings and fro-ings of a pair of little owls (via a live webcam) can be found here. I've watched it for the past few years and as I type, the female has already produced one egg. This is a dutch pair of little owls (or as dey shay in da nedderlandsh.... "Little owlsh") and they may have laid a little early maybe (I was thinking the first week of May might be more like it), but the website might give a reasonable indication of what my local owls might be up to in any given week.

As described, here, if my health holds up and the thunderheads stay away, I will attempt to sit with our owls this week (hidden in the long grass) to grab a photo or two... (if only to change the accompanying photo to each of these "Operation noctua" blogs, which is in actual fact a Scops owl, not a little owl).

Watch this space...


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